The Do's and Don'ts After a Car Accident
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The Do's and Don'ts After a Car Accident

I was recently involved in a car accident. Unfortunately, since it was my first accident, I was scatter-brained and anxious. What I did not realize at the time was that the actions you take immediately after the accident can affect a personal injury case and the outcome of that case. I wanted to find a way to share my experiences and mistakes with other. Since the Internet is so popular, I figured this would be a great way to do so. While you likely aren't planning on being in an accident soon, if you are, hopefully you remember some of the tips I share on this website.

The Do's and Don'ts After a Car Accident

Signs Of Medical Negligence In The Elderly

Yvonne Russell

If you have an elderly loved one placed in a nursing home, then you want to make sure you do your part to make sure they are being cared for the way they should be. This means putting forth a little extra effort to learn and look for some of the warning signs of medical negligence. This article will inform you of some of the signs that your loved one may not being cared for correctly so you can take control of the situation by speaking to the supervisor, or possibly a lawyer, if necessary.

Look for bedsores

When a person in a nursing home is bed-bound, it is up to the staff to re-position them often. This will prevent constant pressure from the bed to be put on the same parts of their bodies. When there is constant pressure and rubbing on one area, it will cause sores to develop. It doesn't always take long for these sores to continue to get worse and they can pose a real risk to the patients' health.

Some of the complications that can come from bedsores include cellulitis, sepsis and even bone infections. All these things are a huge concern in a bedridden person who is already at a higher risk of health deterioration.

Bad body odors

A person who isn't able to take care of their own hygiene depends on the staff to care for those needs. When those needs are being met, the person should not have bad body odors. If you notice they are smelling bad, then the situation should be looked into closely.

Neglecting a bed-ridden patient's personal hygiene can lead to tooth decay, skin infections, bladder infections and an increased risk of developing contagious illnesses and diseases.

Weight loss and/or dehydration

Keep an eye on your loved ones physical condition, including their weight and their appearance. If their eating isn't being properly monitored or enforced, then they can quickly become malnourished. Also, if they aren't receiving enough fluids, then they can become dehydrated. Signs of dehydration can include dark circles under their eyes, extremely dry skin, very dark urine, muscle cramps, weakness and fast breathing.

Malnutrition can lead to weakness, general illness, a compromised immune system and a negative effect on organs. Dehydration can also lead to severe problems, such as kidney failure. Both can eventually lead to death.

If you notice there are any signs of neglect, then you want to act fast and get to the bottom of what's going on. You can start by speaking to the house supervisor. If you feel that you need to go further than this, then you can contact an ombudsman. There are also lawyers like those from Davidson Law Center Inc who specialize in lawsuits for medical neglect who can represent the patient's case for a medical negligence lawsuit.
